
I am a retired attorney and Episcopal priest living in New Hampshire.

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For several years I have posted reflections on the three year cycle of Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) texts from the perspective of biblical scholarship, white privilege, feminism, ableism, lgbtq issues, the environment and what’s left of our democracy. You can find those reflections at the RCL tab.

But I have become impatient with the RCL’s limitations. It cuts and pastes the Bible so that Sunday church-goers hear less than 4% of the Hebrew Bible, about 58% of the gospels and 25% of the epistles. The purpose of all that editing is to tell one particular (and arguably suspect) story about God’s activity in the world.

There are other stories. And new scriptures.

The Becoming Anti-Racist series started in 2023. It is a Camino-inspired blog. I am reading books by African-American authors and their allies on the subjects of black history, systemic racism and white supremacy. In weekly posts, I try to offer short, constructive reflections: putting these new scriptures, and maybe the RCL, together with the news of the day to understand what it means and how we — as people of faith — can respond.

I hope you find it helpful. Thanks for reading and feel free to be in touch.  LilyDeYoung@sermonstarts.com.