It works if you like it.

DSC_0426 A recent NYT article again sang the praises of HIIT but admitted that it can be difficult to maintain as an ongoing fitness practice. I would add that “one size does not fit all.” In HIIT as in other things, you have to find a workout that is right for you.found it in Max Workouts.
I have jogged for decades: three miles three times a week. It was getting harder and harder to do because it felt boring and I saw no physical improvement. Knowing about HIIT I tried the NYT 7 minute version and a couple of Tabata-style routines, none of which felt right for me. Last November, I started a program called MaxWorkouts developed by Shin Ohtake with his wife, Susan Ohtake. I bought the 123-page PDF. It was the best $39.95 I’ve ever spent on fitness.
The ebook walks you through a 4 level, 12 week program. Each week consists of 2 days of HIIT cardio and 3 days of HIIT strength training. I love this program, so I do it. Since November, I have been through the 12 week program twice. (It takes me more than 12 weeks to complete the program.) I took this last week off. Tomorrow I will start Round Three.

I don’t get bored: every day is challenging and different. I can see improvement in my strength and form and I’ve lost 5 pounds. Shin says his program gets you lean and strong. It does. It works if you work it, and anyone can work it as long as they like it. Who knows…you might like it! There are lots of detailed reviews on various websites, but frankly you can believe the descriptions and testimonials that appear on the MaxWorkouts website. If you’re thinking about HIIT, it is worth a look.